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Leading the Way in Prenatal Health

NX Prenatal provides an unprecedented level of insight into maternal and fetal health through a safe and convenient maternal blood testing approach.

Learn how we can help pregnant moms do the very best they can for their health and their child’s health.

Industry's Goal

All key obstetric and pediatric physician groups, as well as child health advocacy groups, are now urging mothers and obstetricians not to deliver babies before 39 weeks unless there is a medical reason to do so.  In the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, a baby’s brain, lungs, and liver go through dramatic development and growth, and over 50% of the immune-boosting antibodies are transferred from the mom to the baby during this period.  

NX Prenatal is committed to advancing the field of maternal and fetal health in support of the critical goal of delivering healthier babies. To achieve this, we collaborate with world-class institutions to develop groundbreaking molecular tests that can enable personalized maternal-fetal health care delivery and pave the way for new therapeutic innovations.


Annual economic
impact to US system

9-10% of US Births

Occur before week 37; physician organizations strongly support initiatives to promote > 39weeks deliveries


Are spontaneous events with no symptoms/warning

US Births

1.5M first time moms

EU Births
China / Korea Births


Average cost/day can be $7k-$10k

1 week of additional time in utero saves

9.5 days in the NICU

Up to


Prevention of PTB reported w/care protocols initiated by week 16

Preventing Preterm Birth

Our first trimester blood testing approach provides tailored maternal health information earlier than any current test – as early as 9-13 weeks with a standard blood sample during a regular office visit.

NX Prenatal is committed to empowering pregnant women with actionable data to prevent early labor and help reduce complications that could arise from preterm birth.

Lowering Maternal Mortality

Preeclampsia is a life-threatening pregnancy complication that’s responsible for 25% of maternal deaths in the developing world and 16% in economically advanced societies. Early detection is crucial, as it can cause immediate complications such as seizures, eclampsia, and organ failure.  Studies indicate effective risk stratification for Preeclampsia with our approach as early as week 10-12 of pregnancy.

In addition, NX Prenatal’s recent studies have identified molecular subtypes of preeclampsia that highly correlate with early versus late-onset cases. Combined with tailored maternal health strategies for each pregnancy, we can improve outcomes for mothers and babies and lower maternal mortality rates.

5-8% of US Births

Preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and related hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are a leading cause of maternal death


Annual economic impact to US system

Global Maternal Deaths

for every death, there are at least 50 times more cases of adverse outcomes

Global Infant Deaths


of cases have HELPP syndrome symptoms (up to 25% mortality)


of cases result in infant death

Up to


reduction in PE reported w/care protocols initiated by week 16

1st time moms and moms with aprior PE history

have higher incidence rates


Pregnancies affected worldwide each year

Detecting Abnormal Placental Growth

Placenta accreta occurs when the placenta attaches too deeply to the uterine wall, making it difficult to detach after childbirth. This condition affects a small percentage of pregnancies but can cause severe bleeding and potentially life-threatening complications.

NX Prenatal and its partners have developed groundbreaking technology that detects Placenta Acrreta cases with 83% accuracy enabling mothers to seek delivery with proper specialists in order to prevent complications at birth.

Placenta Accreta

Placenta accreta risk increases with uterine scarring from prior C-Section or other procedures

Placenta grows into the muscular later of the uterus