The Mom and Baby Balance
A mom and her baby must maintain a delicate balancing act during pregnancy. For example, the growing baby must be tolerated by the mom's immune system, and the placenta must function properly to provide essential nutrients to the baby. The mom's systems must learn to manage various stresses, such as those from the environment, chemical, physical, or infection sources. Additionally, the mom's body must keep specific inflammation and coagulation processes in check to ensure that the baby remains in the womb until the natural 40-week period ends in a successful delivery near the expected due date.
In most pregnancies, successfully maintaining these balances results in welcoming a healthy “full-term” baby to the family.
However, in some pregnancies, spontaneous preterm labor can interrupt this network of balances and result in delivering a "preemie ."The majority of early deliveries occur in the week 35-37 time frame, but some infants are born as early as week 23, leading to a more challenging road ahead for the family and the baby.